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Financial Graphs

If you're born poor, that's not your fault. But if you die poor, that's on you.

About Me.

I am a 35 year old Mechanical Engineer by trade with a Master's Degree in Business. As I've grown older I've come to realize that money is a tool that can be used to be free. I grew up being taught (as everyone is) that money isn't everything. While greed can be bad, wealth is not a bad thing when it is used to be free and to help others be free.


I've also come to realize that to be able to do one's passion in life is the ultimate goal. You never work a day in your life if you're doing something you love. For me, that is the stock market and its intricacies. I believe it is single handedly the best vehicle for passive wealth creation available.


Fortunately, I've been blessed with a mathematical mind that has a knack for business, and this has contributed to my love of the stock market. I've used this mind to create what I believe is a way to navigate the stock market in a strategic manner, outperforming the market.


This blog is dedicated to my thoughts and recommendations about various stocks that I believe will yield monetary gain. I hope you enjoy it and it makes a beneficial impact on your financial success.

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